Philips Ayeni



PHILIPS AYENI - Publications

Journal Articles (Peer-reviewed)

  • Ghenai., A., Ayeni, P., Yu, J., Cohen, R., & Moffatt, K. (2023). Guidelines for designing social networking sites for older adults; a systematic review with thematic synthesis. ACM Transactions in Accessible Computing 16(3), 1-23.
  • Ayeni, P., Agbaje, B. O., & Tippler, M. (2021). A systematic review of library services provision in response to COVID-19 pandemic. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 16(3), 67-104.
  • Osuchukwu, N & Ayeni, P. (2019). The roles of libraries and librarians in integrating national development in South-Eastern Nigeria. Library Management, 40 (3/4), 215-227.
  • Ayeni, P.O (2017). Perceptions and use of open access journals by Nigerian postgraduate students. Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice, 5(1), 26-46.
  • Ayeni, P.,  & Adetoro, A.A (2017). Growth of predatory open access journals: implication for quality assurance in library and information science research. Library Hi Tech News 34 (1), 17-22.
  • Ayeni, P.O (2015). The relevance of reference librarian in the 21st century: a critical look Information and Knowledge Management, 5(7), 113-116. 234672108.pdf (

Conference Papers (Peer-reviewed)

  • Ayeni, P. (2023)I am in a privileged situation”: Exploring factors causing inequity in open access publishing. Proceeding of the Association for Information Science & Technology, 60(1), 521-526.
  • Ayeni, P., & Willson, R.  (2022) Investigating open access publishing practices of early and mid-career researchers in humanities and social sciences disciplines. Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 59 (398-403)
  • Ayeni, P., & Willson, R. (2022). Factors influencing Canadian HASS researchers’ open access publishing practices: Implication for the future of scholarly communication. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of CAIS / Actes Du congrès Annuel De l’ACSI.
  • Willson, R., Makri, S., Mckay, D., & Ayeni, P. (2022) Precarity and progression during a pandemic: Preliminary findings from a study of early career academics’ information behaviour during COVID-19. Information Seeking in Context conference, Berlin.
  • Osuchukwu, N & Ayeni, P. (2017). The roles of libraries and librarians in integrating national development in South-East Nigeria. In Zachari, M (Ed.): Libraries in National Integration for development. 55th National Conference of the Nigeria Library Association National Conference.

Poster Presentations (Peer-reviewed)

  • Ayeni, P. (2022, October 26). Poster: Assessing open access scholarly communication practices of early and mid-career researchers in Canada [Poster Presentation]. ALISE 2022 “Go back and Get It: From One Narrative to Many” Pittsburgh, PA    

Conference Presentations (Peer-reviewed)

  • Ayeni, P. (October 31, 2023). “I am in a privileged situation”: Examining the factors promoting inequity on open access publishing. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science & Technology, London, UK.
  • Ayeni, P. (April, 2023). Promising but mixed: How researchers envisaged the future of open access publishing in Canada. A lightning talk presented at McGill Open Research Frum held at the Rare Books Collection of McLennan Library, Montreal, Canada.
  • Ayeni, P. & Agbaje, B (April 26, 2022). Open access services provision in libraries during COVID-19 pandemic. Findings from a systematic review. Presented online via Zoom at ASIS&T 24-Hours Global Conference.
  • Ayeni P., Agbaje, B & Tippler, M (April 28, 2021). A systematic review of library services provided in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Presented at the 13th EBSI-SIS virtual symposium. See video recording here.
  • Ayeni, P. (August 5, 2019). Examining the realities of digital repositories as alternative means of scholarly publishing. A lightning talk presented at FORCE11 Scholarly Communication Institute (FSCI) at University of California Los Angeles, USA.
  • Ayeni, P. (August 29, 2019). Improving the findability of institutional repositories in academic libraries. A lightning talk presented at the 12th EBSI-SIS Symposium held at Universite de Montreal, Canada.

Invited Lectures

  • Ayeni, P. (June 24 , 2023). Advancing research frontiers through open access publishing: Findings from a study of Canadian researchers. A guest speaker presentation delivered via Zoom at the annual research symposium of Nigerian researchers in Hong Kong.
  • Ayeni, P. (October 8, 2020). Findability in information access. Presented via Zoom as one of the lecture series for GLIS 601 – Foundation of Information Studies, Week 5 Equity of Access. The recorded video can be accessed here.
  • Ayeni, P. (January 9, 2020). Introduction to records management & enterprise content management. Presented at McGill School of Information Studies for GLIS 660 – Enterprise Content Management
  • Ayeni, P. (January 24, 2020). Training on how to use Xmax and Webtop, McGill Enterprise Content Management software. Presented at McGill School of Information Studies as part of GLIS 660 – Enterprise Content Management
  • Ayeni, P. (January 19, 2019). Introduction to metadata principles and encoding standards. Presented at McGill Faculty of Education on September as part of lecture series for GLIS 607 – Organization of Information.