School of Information Studies, McGill University
1. Course Lecturer, GLIS 690 – Information Policy (September – December 2021)
Redeveloped contents of a master’s course with a global and Canadian-specific focus on policies. The topics covered in this course include: Intellectual Property, Copyrights, Access to Information in Canada and abroad, Mis-Information and Disinformation, Net neutrality, Digital Divide etc. I provided weekly in-person instructions, class management, course delivery planning which includes in-class activities, discussions; students assessments.
2. Teaching Assistant, GLIS 601 – Foundations of Information Studies (September – December 2020)
Graded student’s assignments, group papers, and provided feedback; Clarified course contents and assignment instructions via email communication; Recorded and presented an invited lecture on “Findability in information Access” as part of Week 5 Equity of Access’
3. Teaching Assistant, GLIS 619 – Information Behaviour and Resources (September – December 2020)
Worked with the course instructor to deliver the first online-only course. As a TA, I graded and returned students’ papers, assignments electronically and uploaded feedback through MyCourses; Provided office hours via Zoom to attend to students’ questions, as well as to clarify feedbacks.
4. Teaching Assistant, GLIS 619 – Information Behaviour and Resources (September – December 2019)
Graded assignments and papers, providing feedbacks, coordinating lab sessions and in-class activities, clarifying assignment requirements, helping instructors in formative and summative assessments. I developed citation index search tasks for students focusing on the use of Web of Science citation index, and other online databases (e.g., PsychINFO, LISTA, LISA, MEDLINE).
5. Teaching Assistant, GLIS 607 – Organization of Information (September – December 2020)
Assisted course instructor in class discussions, grading, clarifying assignments and course requirements during office hours, providing feedbacks using MyCourses. I also coordinated students’ online discussion, providing technical support to aid course task completion.
6. Teaching Assistant, GLIS 660 – Enterprise Content Management (January– April 2019 & January-April 2020)
Developed teaching materials, figures, and tables from online sources for weekly lectures. I conducted online training/workshop on how to use Webtop and XMAX, a content management software at McGill. I graded student’s assignments, group papers, and provided feedback.